Postersession 2022

Welcome to our virtual poster session with the posters of our second year students.

At the entrance there are hints for moving around the room (arrows, keys ASDW, QE) and hints for looking at the posters (right click, link).

List with poster

(* winner of poster prize)

Name Titel Specialiality
Carlo Affentranger Subaquatic geomorphology of Walensee:
Understanding subaquatic slope and delta instabilities and their implications in the perialpine realm
Tobias Arnold* Alpine fissure as a monitor of hydrothermal activity in exhuming orogens GEOL
Nicole Bumann Effect of Geological Preconditioning on Sediment Production in the Illgraben Catchment GEOL
Paula Dörfler Upcycling of construction waste in wood incinerators EM
Siro L. Hosmann Understanding the process forming subglacial overdeepenings: The Rhone Glacier Lake example PAQS
Aaron Hutter Metamorphic Evolution of Ophicarbonates (Zermatt-Saas-Unit) EM
Enes Kasikci Metalliferous sediments in the Semail ophiolite, Oman ERG
Kim Lemke Tracking fluid-rock interaction in relicts of oceanic lithosphere from the central alps EM
Nicolas Krattiger Understanding alkali-silica reaction: Atomistic modelling of chemo-mechanical processes responsible for concrete degradation EM
Pascal Maeder Combining chemistry and physics Effect of temperature on geochemical reactions in the vicinity of heat producing radioacive waste repository ERG
Romano Mercurio Past and present acid production in high-alpine catchments ERG
Teo Neuenschwander Brittle-ductile deformation in carbonates of the Téné fault (Valais) GEOL
Dominic Perler Evolution of the Lake Constance shelf and its relation to archaeological mounds PAQS
Tim Scheidegger Holocene climate and erosion history as recorded in the annually laminated sedimentary record of Lake Brienz PAQS
Anna Zappatini* The Antrona ophiolite: History of a piece of Tethys ocean EM