Life at the University requires independent and creative thinking as well as proper referencing of intellectual property (statements/ideas) of others.
The University of Bern is extremely restrictive in regards of plagiarism and has distinct regulations for any infringement in this matter:
- Guidelines of the University Board of Directors concerning the procedure for dealing with plagiarism from 03.07.2012
- Factsheet concerning plagiarism from June 2012
- Law compilation
Counteracting these rules will result in the following procedure:
- Proof of plagiarism by the lecturers.
- Bilateral interview with the student being accused to have conducted plagiarism.
- Grading of the exam with 1.0.
- Storage of the case of plagiarism in the archive.
- Information of all lecturers about the case.
- In the case of repeated plagiarism this might result in the exemption of the respective person from our study program.