List with poster 2023

(* winner of poster prize)

Name Titel Specialiality
Leo Armingeon Bioproductivity and trophic state of Greifensee ELE
Marko Bermanec The genesis of different pegmatite types EM
Lea Bieler The Bern Fault Zone: Does it exist or is it just geofantasy? GEOL
Mattia Binaghi Post-LGM Glacier Fluctuations in the northern Valaisian Alps GEOL
Till Blanc Mobilization of Copper and Antimony in Bottom Ash Landfills ERG
Daniel Bolliger Parameters driving debris flow dynamics PAQS
Giacomina Bucher Reconstruction of postglacial mass movements in the Lurnigalp PAQS
Julia Dietrich* Formation and Hydration/Dehydratin of the Allalin Gabbro EM
Christopher DiPaolo Hydro- and morpho-dynamic modelling of a lacustrine tsunami and its deposits PAQS
Philipp Hänggi Exploration of natural hydrogen in the Lower Engadin window, Switzerland ERG
Jannine Hafner Comparison of deformation of felsic granulite and peridotite (Premosello Ivrea Zone) GEOL
Anja Kühnis Hemp-Earth insulation: a novel material for sustainable construction EM
Pia Künzi Geothermometry on ureilites ; implications for diamond formation ELE
Leonora Lehmann Volume estimation of a rock glacier in Val Constainas ERG
Ahathian Manikkapoody* Constraining the architecture of the USM ERG
Yugandhar Nighojkar Climatic and anthropogenic drivers of productivity in aquatic environments PAQS
Anulekha Prasad Classification and 53Mn-53Cr chronology of enstatite chondrite meteorites from a new strewn field in Oman GEOL
Julia Semmler Chemical composition and geochronology of epidote group minerals in high pressure rocks EM
Laura Sergi The early evolution of the Romanche Fracture Zone GEOL
Jana von Allmen Sediment production and erosion in the Lütschinen valley based on in-situ 10Be GEOL