Course title (49 courses): ECTS:
A habitable future? Applications of Environmental Geochemistry 3
Accessory Minerals 2.5
Advanced Carbonate Sedimentology 2.5
Alpine Cryosphere 3
Applied Geophysical Methods 3
Applied Sedimentology 3
Basement evolution in orogens 2
Basic Computer Programming for Geosciences 2
Basin Evolution 3
(Climate-)Stratigraphy and Natural Hazards Field Course in the Italian Apennine Mountains 2.5
Computer Modeling of 3D Geological Structures 1.5
Deep Mantle Properties and Geochemistry 3
Electron Beam Microanalytics: Theory - EMPA, SEM, CL 2
Electron microbeam techniques (laboratory) 1
Electron Microprobe Analysis - EMPA: Practical course. Theory course Electron Beam Microanalytics required. (prer) 1
European Mars Rover Challenge - geological support team 3
Excursion: From basins to mountain belts (prer) 2
Field Course Rock Deformation Brittle Regime 1.5
Field Logging of Tunnels and Boreholes 2.5
Field Trip: Oceanic Lithosphere and subducted equivalents (Liguria) 2.5
Fluid-solid interactions and diagenesis: processes and sustainable applications 5
Fossil Lagerstaetten of Southern Germany 2.5
Geo-Information Systems. Lecture and practical 3
Geostatistics 2
Glacial Geology 3
Glacial Geology Field Course 3
Hazards, risks and vulnerability 3
Hydrothermal processes in oceanic settings 3
Interpretation of Seismic Profiles around the world 1.5
Interpretation of Seismic Profiles in the Alpine foreland 1.5
Introduction to Object -Oriented Programminng (OOP): Python 2
Laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry - LA-ICP-MS. Two days short course 1
Marine Geology 3
Modelling of glaciers and permafrost 3
Mountain building processes 3
Mountain Geomorphology 3
Natural Hazards: Process & Methods 3
Noerdlinger Ries Excursion 2.5
Ophiolites: Production and destruction of oceanic crust 2.5
Reflected-Light Microscopy 1.5
Rock Deformation: Brittle regime (prer) 2.5
Rock Deformation: Ductile regime 4
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Practical course. (Bern) on request (prer) 1
Sedimentology of Glaciofluvial Deposits 1.5
Seminar in climatology and glaciology I 2
Seminar in geomorphology I 2
Seminar in geomorphology II 2
Surface Processes, Geomorphology (prer) 3
Using small drones for geoscientific applications 1