Thesis topic Advisors: ELE EM ERG GEOL PAQS Uni.
3D Fault Geometrie and Evolution of the Sax-Schwende fault (E-Switzerland), Details Prof. Marco Herwegh x BE
Alteration of the upper mantle – insights from 1.2 km of mantle rock recovered during IODP Exp. 399 from the Atlantis Massif, Details Prof. Esther Schwarzenbach x x x FR
Fault gouges in the Clavaniev Zone: Microstructures and the relations to earthquakes, Details Prof. Marco Herwegh, Prof. Alfons Berger x x BE
Formation temperatures and ages of igneous, pegmatitic and migmatitic garnets from the Central Alps, Details Prof. Jörg Hermann, Prof. Daniela Rubatto x x BE
General topics in lacustrine paleoseismology, other natural hazards, Details Prof. Katrina Kremer x x BE
General topics in paleoclimatology, paleoenvironments and sedimentary geochemistry, Details Prof. Hendrik Vogel x x x BE
Geochemical investigation of water-rock interaction at the ocean floor, Details Prof. Daniela Rubatto, Prof. Thomas Pettke x x BE
Geochemistry of gold-ore forming fluids in the Monte Rosa Gold District, NW Italian Alps, Details Prof. Thomas Pettke x x BE
Geological Characterization of the City of Lucerne in light of Underground Heat Storage, Details Prof. Marco Herwegh, Dr. Timothy Schmid, Prof. Alfons Berger x BE
Geometries of 3D Flow paths in fault-related hydrothermal systems, Details Prof. Marco Herwegh, Prof. Alfons Berger, Dr. Timothy Schmid x x BE
Ground ice content quantification using petrophysical models of electrical and seismic data, Details Prof. Christian Hauck x x FR
Holocene rock avalanches and evolution of the polygenic cones in the Mont Blanc Massif, Details Prof. Naki Akçar x x BE
Mineralogy and geochemistry of hydrothermal deposits from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Details Prof. Esther Schwarzenbach x x x FR
Multiscale 3D Fault Patterns and their Role for Seismic Activity in Switzerland, Details Prof. Marco Herwegh x x BE
New project in Isotope Geology, Details Prof. Suzette Timmerman x x x BE
New projects in Carbonate Sedimentology, Details Prof. Anneleen Foubert x x x FR
Porosity estimates of near surface rocks using complementary geophysical data sets, Details Prof. Christian Hauck x x FR
Pressure dependence for the compositions of accessory phases in the Bergell tonalite?, Details Prof. Jörg Hermann, Prof. Daniela Rubatto, Prof. Alfons Berger x x BE
Storm deposits recorded by Molasse sequences, Details Prof. Fritz Schlunegger x BE
Subduction zone history of an oceanic slab unit in the tectonic accretionary channel of the Alps, Details Prof. Thomas Pettke, Prof. Jörg Hermann x x BE
Sulfur and carbon signatures in oceanic lithosphere from the Alpine belt, Details Prof. Esther Schwarzenbach x x x FR
The peridotites and serpentinites of Antrona, Details Prof. Jörg Hermann, Prof. Daniela Rubatto x x BE
The subduction plate interface: Geodynamics, chemical cycling and more, Details Prof. Thomas Pettke x x BE
Ti-Clinohumite and Chondrodite dikes in Zermatt: Metasomatism of Ti-rich basalts , Details Prof. Jörg Hermann, Prof. Daniela Rubatto, Dr. Francesca Piccoli x x BE
Unveiling the Dynamics of the 1717 AD Rock Avalanche: Pioneering Cosmogenic 39Ar Surface Exposure Dating, Details Prof. Naki Akçar x x BE
Unveiling the Onset and Long-Term Evolution of Rock Glaciers in Macun, Val Zeznina (GR), Details Prof. Naki Akçar x x BE
Xenocrystic zircons from the Jwaneng kimberlite: a window into Archean mantle?, Details Prof. Suzette Timmerman, Prof. Daniela Rubatto x x x BE