Name Thesis topic Advisors
Codogno Pierre-Emmanuel
Culiat Nevia Understanding the effects of the hydrochemical changes of the Eastern Paratethys on carbonate deposits in Karagie Depression, Kazakhstan Prof. Anneleen Foubert
Dighe Dhruva Geometries of 3D flow paths in fault related Hydrothermal systems. Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Alfons Berger
Frölke Julia Microstructure and fabric development in a gabbro of the Val Malenco Prof. Alfons Berger
Prof. Jörg Hermann
Haberditz Xenia Paleo-environmental characterization of lacustrine deposits in Lake Afdera (Afar, Ethiopia) Prof. Anneleen Foubert
Invernizzi Joël
Kučko Barbara 3D architecture of carbonate-hosted (hydrothermal) faults Prof. Marco Herwegh
Dr. Timothy Schmid
Kunz Raphaël
Laur Selina Alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) and cracking mechanisms of concrete structures Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Alfons Berger
Dr. Andreas Jenni
Lisibach Jonas Bedrock fabric, erosion and hazards of the Rotlaui catchment. Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
Mathys Lydia 3D Geometry of the Grimsel Fault zone Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Alfons Berger
Niederer Audrey
Peduzzi Lorenzo
Pirovino Tina Rockfall at the Mittagflueh (Boltigen)
Sergi Laura The early evolution of the Romanche Fracture Zone: from transtension to transpression - Insights from analogue modelling experiments. Prof. Guido Schreurs
Singh Vaibhav Geology, geomorphology, weathering and sediment transport in an Alpine drainage basin Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
Whomsley-Walker Maia Strain localization and fluid flux in carbonate faults Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Alfons Berger
Dr. Berit Schwichtenberg