Details of Courses

Unconsolidated Quaternary Sediments in Drillholes and Outcrops (incl. 1 day fieldcourse)
LECTURERS: Prof. F. Anselmetti
ECTS Credits:3
FORMAT:6 x 2h lecture plus 1d excursion and 1d core description exercise
FREQUENCY:biennially in spring semester, held in odd years
CONTENTS:incl. 1 day field course and 1 core exercise This course comprises various aspects in the description, analysis and interpretation of unconsolidated sediments. A first part of the course presents the different types of unconsolidated sediments and their paleoenvironmental significance, with emphasis on sedimentological processes. These deposits will be discussed within a stratigraphical context of the Swiss foreland and the Alps, using various examples. Special attention will be given to drill-core recovery and analysis, as applied studies often use drill holes in order to recover unconsolidated sediments. The various technical aspects of drilling will also be discussed. The students will perform practical and applied exercises, such as drill core-description, -analysis and -interpretation. An excursion to a drill core repository and to a sand/gravel pit completes the class room and laboratory knowledge. Learning Outcome: After the course, the students should be able to: - describe and interpret independently unconsolidated sediments, and to recognize their depositional environments - understand drilling operation and evaluate difficulties in obtaining and analyzing drill cores - understand landscape evolution in Switzerland as recorded un unconsolidated sediments

(prer): Courses with prerequisites.